Kokomo High School, 1965-1968, H.S. Diploma
Purdue Univ., 1968-1972, B.S. Engineering Science
USAF Institute of Technology, M.S. Nuclear Engineering
Air Command and Staff College, 1984-1985, Certificate
Troy State Univ., 1984-1985, MBA
Univ. of Dayton, 1986-1989, JD
Military Service:
US Air Force, 1972-until purged in 1985, Major. Defense Meritorious Service,
Air Force Meritorious Service, Air Force Commendation, etc.
The current pseudo-theocratic, fascist criminal, secret police state, plutocracy must be reformed. Below are some of my
Anti-Fascist - Civil rights must be restored, torture and other abuses by the military, secret police and intelligence
agencies stopped and punitive use of the mental health system eliminated.
Pro-Privacy - Illegal spying on U.S. citizens must be eliminated, reproductive choice protected, and separation of church
and state enforced.
Pro-Jobs - Diversify Alaska's economy, ensure benefits from natural resources are shared by all Alaskans, reform the health
care system, fund education and planning.
Anti-Corruption - Return to one-person, one-vote system from currentone-dollar, one-vote system, establish public financing
of elections, and eliminate current culture of corruption.
Additionally, federal judges and justices must be appointed and confirmed based on merit, not fascist ideology and connections.
The wealthy must pay their fair share for use of the U.S. infrastructure. Welfare forcorporations and the wealthy must be
eliminated and the national debt reduced. Wasting money and lives on a war based on lies must not be
repeated, and the current one must be ended expeditiously.
Instead of acting as a check and balance against executive branch
abuse of power, this fascist led Congress is competing to see if they can abuse power worse than the Cheney-Bush regime. The
Nixon tapes were only uncovered because of Congressional hearings. Instead of issuing subpoenas to investigate warrantless
surveillance of US citizens, outing CIA agents for political gain, lying to start the Iraq war, failing to prevent the 9-11
attacks, and other numerous crimes of Dick, Dumbya and other lying fascist criminals at the top of the executive branch, this
Congress has been busy selling out to lobyists and special interests, cutting taxes for the richest and screwing the poorest
and most powerless. If Abe Lincoln was correct that you can't fool all of the people all of the time,
Don Young, Ted Stevens and Frank Murkowski, to name just a few, will soon be removed from power and hopefully indicted.
Apr. 06